Donation Request

City Farms Donation Requests

City Farms Wine & Spirits is proud to be a part of Alcoa and the greater East Tennessee area. We support other East Tennessee nonprofit organizations whenever we can. All donation requests will be reviewed in a timely manner. You will receive a response via email detailing what, if anything, we can provide. Please note that while we’d like to support everyone in need, donations may be limited.


If you are seeking any kind of alcohol donation, Tennessee state law requires that you fill out this form first:

Request a Donation

What would you like us to donate? *
Event Type *
Tell Us Why *
Please provide information on your good work and tell us how you will acknowledge this donation at your event. It would also be helpful to understand your fundraising goals. Maximum 4000 characters.
Attach your organization’s letterhead or proof of 501(c)(3) status as a single PDF *
Maximum file size: 512 KB
PDF only. Maximum file size of 500kbs.

How Do We Contact You?

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Alternate Phone
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *